An event organiser with 450,000 visitors, spanning a 6-week period, contacted Crowd Safety to assist them with the provision of a comprehensive crowd management plan that would serve to improve the management of attending crowds in both normal and emergency conditions.
Our consultant met with the client onsite and after holding an in-depth meeting to understand the event, viewed the event site and available routes.
The Crowd Management Plan provided the client with a clear understanding of safety proposals, which improved the management, and safety of crowds attending, whilst improving the ongoing commercial aspects of the event.
The Crowd Management Plan considered the weather conditions, topography, demographics, other external issues and preferred routes to be used that would ultimately assist with the Circulation, Egress and Dispersal of crowds and provide an overall improved customer experience.
Crowd Safety felt very privileged to have been contracted to provide this major client with a crowd management plan that not only satisfied the Local Authority/SAG but also enhanced the event whilst providing the client with confidence that emergency measures were now simplified and the predicted behaviour of the crowd was better understood.