Leading Event Security Company – Australia

A leading Australasian event security company required assistance with Strategic, tactical and operational planning for major events.

The client applied for a visa and a 3 month initial contract was carried out.

At the clients’ request, a needs analysis was carried out to identify the strengths and weaknesses, which were then presented to the board.

Recommendations and proposals were met with full approval and the results were immediate with positive feedback from staff and company clients instantaneously.

The processes allowed for unambiguous command and control, a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities and a core team which had received a in-depth understanding of crowd management and the common underlying causes of crowd related issues and disasters.

The success of this was attributed to by the drive and commitment, of the CEO who wanted to provide a higher standard of service which satisfied the companies’ current clients, future clients and to make all events the company were engaged with, safer for those attending.

The contract was extended to a 12 month duration.