Graduation Ball

A South Coast university student union had identified a Greenfield site, outside of the university grounds, to host their Graduation Ball.

Consultants were engaged to provide a crowd management solution which satisfied the local authority after a previous event was deemed unsatisfactory in terms of crowd management.

A system wide approach was provided after addressing historical issues whereby a change to the site design was suggested along with the benefits this would provide. A specific crowd management plan was then produced and circulated to key agencies.

A competent event security provider was engaged, after consultation and checks of their availability, and the plan was briefed to event management to ensure a cohesive approach.

We were requested to be onsite pre event to dynamically assess safety issues which would affect the plan, and accordingly whilst liaising with event security and event management. Queue management for busses/coaches and taxis, at the end of the event had historically been a major issue but ran smoothly and without incident. The event was commended by the local authority, event management and students for crowd management and safety.